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August 28, 2019

Bells of Faith

Passage: Hebrews 11:4-6
Service Type:

When the armies of Napoleon swept over Europe, one of his generals intended to make an attack on the little town of Feldrich on the Austrian border. It was Easter, and as Napoleon’s great army maneuvered nearby, the citizens hastened to decide whether to surrender or to attempt a defense. The elderly pastor of the church remarked, “We have been counting on our own strength, and that will fail. This is the day of our Lord’s resurrection. Let us ring the bells and have services as usual, and leave the matter in God’s hands.”

The council accepted his plan, and in a few minutes the bells were chiming out joy over the Lord’s resurrection. Napoleon’s army, startled at hearing the joyous bells, decided that the Austrian army must have arrived and so quickly broke camp and retreated. God had honored the council’s faith in Him.

In the Bible we read, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he who comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.”(Hebrews 11:6)

Faith is pleasing to God because it shows confidence in His character. God is good and He will do what is right. You probably have stores where you trade regularly. They know you and trust you. When you hand them a check they no longer ask for your driver’s license. In fact, if you forgot your billfold or purse, and had no money at all, they would tell you to take your purchase and stop by and pay them later. They honor you by their confidence in your integrity. So, also, we honor God when we display our confidence in Him. He then shows Himself to be faithful as He rewards our seeking Him and placing our confidence in Him.

When you can’t see how you are going to face the army of problems that surround you, honor God by rejoicing in the resurrection of the Savior. Christ’s resurrection is proof that His offering of Himself for our sins was accepted and that by faith in Him we receive forgiveness and newness of life. At the moment we might not see HOW God is going to help us, but we have the assurance that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.

So, ring those bells of faith today and watch God work.

By faith Enoch pleased God and was spared from being murdered.

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