Why God Waits
When you are ready to check out at the grocery store do you look for the lane with the longest line or the shortest? I you are like me you hate to wait so I try to calculate by the amount of items in the carts and number of carts in the line to estimate which lane will finish first. Of course then the unexpected happens, and someone has an unmarked item that has to be checked by sending a bag boy to find another of the same item that has its price mark in place and all my calculations are now invalid.
A common phrase used in the Navy was, “Hurry up and wait.” It was often repeated because nobody liked to wait.
I don’t like to wait, but neither am I interested in asking God for patience. I am afraid the process involved could be traumatic. What is hard to understand, though, is how God can demonstrate so much patience when He could order the events exactly to suit His fancy and never wait at all. But one day while reading the book of Hebrews I got an idea how God can be so patient and also what can help me be more like Him in that greatly to be desired character quality.
Listen to "Why God Waits"